21 Rue Glesener, 1631 Gare Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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2908 2023

Press release

In the landscape of higher interest rates, asset allocation takes centre stage

Ausbiz TV

Bas Kooijman, from DHF Capital S.A., explicates his views on asset allocation in light of escalating interest rates. He puts forth the idea that investors could safeguard their interests by diversifying their portfolio to include physical gold, real estate, and stocks, laying particular emphasis on technology firms and burgeoning sectors like electric vehicle manufacturing and battery production.

Bas establishes the significance of physical gold as a tried-and-tested safeguard against stock market fluctuation. Further, he elucidates on the promising contributions artificial intelligence has to offer in trading, primarily its innate capability of real-time adjustments.

However, Bas also underscores potential challenges AI might entail for regulatory authorities and the necessity of striking equilibrium between human judgment and AI involvement in trading.

Watch the full interview on ausbiz.com

Ausbiz TV

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