About DHF
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Client area

DHF Hedge Funds

Consistent Returns

With our funds we offer informed investors an opportunity for consistent returns on three different levels. As an investor one should always diversify in a good way. With our products Alpha and Gamma we already offer a professional diversification because of the strategies used. Please check our different options and choose what fits best to your needs as an investor.

Diversification Benefits

In our Alpha and Gamma fund we already created a great diversification for you as an investor. We have setup our strategies in such a way that we operate in the Equity Market, in the Forex Market and precious metals. You have already diversified your portfolio already but do not benefit from the Forex Market yet? Then our Forex Fund could be a great addition to your investment strategy.

Expert Team

Our trading team has been managing currency, commodity, and equity portfolios for a variety of investors for many years. Each member of the team was specifically chosen for their track record and area of expertise.

Product Highlights

1,3% - 2,6%

Average Monthly Return

76,6 million

DHF Group Assets under management

16% - 31%

Projected annual return

10% - 30%

Maximum Drawdown

Strategy Allocation

Currencies | Forex


Money Markets | Cash & Bonds


Equities | Stocks and Debt


Commodities | Precious metals



Currencies - Intraday Trading


Currencies - Swing Trading


Currencies - Position Trading

DHF Alpha Fund S.C.SP


Minimum Investment

DHF Alpha Fund overview

KEY FACTS ABOUT The alpha fund

Choose plan

DHF Gamma Fund S.C.SP


Minimum Investment

DHF Gamma Fund overview

KEY FACTS ABOUT The Gamma fund

Choose plan

DHF Forex Fund S.C.Sp


Minimum Investment

DHF Forex Fund overview

KEY FACTS ABOUT The forex fund

Choose plan

Copyright 2014-2025 DHF Capital S.A. All Rights Reserved

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DHF Capital S.A. is a public limited company (registration number B250882 -société anonyme) which is governed by the law of Luxembourg, 10 August 1915, on commercial companies, as amended (the "Company Law"), the law of 2 March 2004 on securitisation, as amended (the "Law on Securitisation") as well as by the present articles of association.