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0205 2023

Press release

DHF Capital joins hands with Angel Investors Network

My Startup World

DHF Capital joins hands with Angel Investors Network

DHF Capital, a Luxembourg-based securitization company with an expanding footprint and offices in the UAE, and Angel Investors Network (AIN), a US-based platform for investors to find new investment opportunities, have joined forces; DHF Capital’s renowned fund management organization, DHF Asset Management, will allow AIN’s investor audience to diversify their portfolios and hedge against current market volatility.

Bas Kooijman, CEO and Asset Manager of DHF Capital , commented: “Since inception, we have built a proven track record by providing an annual average ROI of 20% to investors. This has helped accelerate our growth with expansion from Europe to the Middle East, and now, America. With global inflation rising, our newfound collaboration will help to educate the masses about how they can achieve investing success to alleviate these concerns.”

Jeff Barnes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AIN, added: “I’m delighted to introduce DHF Asset Management to our investor audience as an opportunity to diversify their portfolio and hedge against current market volatility.”

DHF Capital’s partnership facilitates the prospect of a broader expansion in US markets, as the firm’s automatic portfolio rebalancing capabilities will be provided on a larger scale to help a new group of investors diversify their portfolios and mitigate their risk. In line with this milestone, Bas is garnering global attention as he was recently accepted into the Forbes Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organisation for successful business owners and leaders worldwide.

Source: https://mystartupworld.com/dhf-capital-joins-hands-with-angel-investors-network/

My Startup World

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DHF Capital S.A. is a public limited company (registration number B250882 -société anonyme) which is governed by the law of Luxembourg, 10 August 1915, on commercial companies, as amended (the "Company Law"), the law of 2 March 2004 on securitisation, as amended (the "Law on Securitisation") as well as by the present articles of association.